Tuesday, January 23, 2007

power point

Oh my josh!
It is power point day and I am so nervous. While I'm up there please just smile and nod no matter what. I promise I will smile and nod for you, I'll even laugh
if you want me to. Thank you for the good vibes you sent me this weekend. Would you believe my 9year old is doing a power point for school, well she helped me with mine. Class is going to start any minute so break a leg. I will be cheering for you.


BJ Evans said...

I just wanted to say that i really enjoyed your presention. You made everyone laugh and i belive that was a key point to your presentaion. GREAT JOB!!!!!

Nikita said...

OMG i loved you power point b/c i'm a 87 baby and it was lots of fun to see how people dressed and acted backed then.It was great fun.

John Hadley Strange said...

Nice job! You have a great 9 year old teacher!

Rakesia Brown said...

Good, funny presentation!

LaVera said...

I enjoyed your powerpoint presentation. I think it was cool.